Thursday, June 21, 2007


I have always loved birds. Over the years I have had a lot of different breeds, but one of my favorites have always been Cockatiels. They are lively, not to big and can be very loving. Kiwi, has no problems with me holding her and she loves to "preen" my hair. I have a few recipes that I make and freeze to give her as treats. These recipes can be given to other birds also.

Carrot-Squash Muffins

2 eggs
1/4 Cup peanut oil
1/4 pkg. protein powder
1 Jr. size baby fruit - any flavor
1 Cup yellow self-rising cornmeal
1 Cup self-rising whole wheat flour
1 Cup grated fresh carrots including tops when available
1 Cup grated fresh yellow squash

Beat eggs and peanut oil until well blended. Add all dry ingredients including protein powder. Add baby fruit and mix well; add grated vegetables.

Spoon into miniature size muffin pans using muffin cups to avoid greasing pans. May also be baked in high-sided cookie pan and cut into one inch squares after baking

DO NOT use Teflon coated cooking ware since odor will kill birds!!!!

Bake at 400°F for approximately 15 minutes.

Muffins freeze well.


Bird Muffins

1 pkg. Jiffy cornbread mix
Milk as directed on box
6 eggs including the shells
1 cup Kaytee Exact Rainbow
2 cups mixed veggies
1/4 cup shelled, unsalted Sunflower Seeds
1 cup Nestling food
Anything else you may have on hand

Preheat oven to indicated temperature on Jiffy box. Mix according to the directions on the Jiffy box.

Add the remaining ingredients. Grease 9" x 13" pan. Spread evenly in the pan. Check the bread often, as it will not take long to cook (approximately 8-10 minutes). Cool completely. Cut into squares and freeze until needed. Defrost and serve.

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